Karla Hold, M.A.

Specialty: Psychological assessments

Location: Suwanee


Karla completed an intensive year-long coach training program at Accomplishment Coaching in Washington D.C. In addition to her own Wellness Coaching Practice, Karla has also been an Admissions Counselor, Office Manager, Project Manager, Restaurant Manager, Public Relations Representative, tutor, Cultural Liaison and translator.
In 2009, Karla graduated with two B.A.’s in English Literature and Theology, with a minor in Philosophy from Southern Catholic College. Shortly thereafter, she entered the Master’s program at the University of Dallas in Texas. After years of translating Ancient Greek and finalizing her 100-page thesis on Shakespeare, she graduated with a Master’s in English Literature in 2018.
Karla lives with her husband, Jeremy and their rescue dog, Mosley.